to 9 Apr

St. Saviour’s and St. Barnabas Walthamstow HOLY WEEK AND EASTER 2023

Sunday 2nd April 2023 – 10.15am

Palm Sunday

Joint Services with both congregations

(Starting at St. Barnabas Foster Hall at 10.15am)

Street Procession with Blessing of Palms



Wednesday 5th April 2023 – 7.30pm

St. Barnabas Walthamstow

Bible Study ( Hour of Power )



Thursday 6th April 2023 – 7.30pm

St. Saviour’s Walthamstow

Celebration of Holy Eucharist of the Last Supper

( Bring food to share at the table)



Friday 7th April 2023 – 3pm

St. Barnabas Walthamstow

Station of the Cross, Veneration of the Cross

And Good Friday Liturgy



Saturday 8th April 2023 – 7.30pm

St. Saviour’s Walthamstow

Easter Vigil

First Mass of Easter



Sunday 9th April 2023

Easter Sunday

St. Saviour’s Walthamstow – 9.30am

St. Barnabas Walthamstow – 11.15am



The Church is liturgically silent after Good Friday service

until the Easter Vigil

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